The global situation has prompted the German textiles services association VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies (TFL) to take the decision to conduct its annual industry meeting along with the annual conference for its textile machinery arm, VDMA Textile Machinery (TXM). Together, the sectors bring together German textile care, textile manufacturing and machine manufacturers.
According to Elgar Straub, managing director of the VDMA: “Due to the tense economic situation in Germany, Europe and worldwide we have decided to largely combine this year’s VDMA TFL industry meeting with the Annual Conference of the VDMA TXM on 4-5 June in Augsburg.”
The event will start on 4 June at 3.00 pm. with registration and the opportunity to exchange ideas over coffee/tea and snacks at Hotel Maximiian’s in Augsburg. After the joint opening event (starting at 3:30 pm), the industry meeting of VDMA TFL will then take place from 5 pm. to 6 pm. “You can look forward to exciting presentations on highly topical subjects and interesting speakers,” said Straub. Delgates will benefit from presentations including an overview of economic developments as well as a run-down on global challenges and a paper called ‘Raw Materials and Fashion’.
The joint evening event will take place at 7 pm. in the Textile and Industrial Museum, Augsburg where delegates will have the opportunity for an exclusive guided tour of this impressive museum which features the history and current developments of this outstanding industry.
On 5 June, proceedings begin at 8:30 am. with a visit to the ‘Textile Recycling’ test fields at the Institute of Textile Technology Augsburg (ITA). Afterwards, the meeting continues at the Technology Center Augsburg (TZA). “In addition to two exciting presentations, there will be a panel discussion with top-class participants. We plan to end the afternoon with an interesting company visit in the Augsburg region,” said Straub.
For more information email VDMA here