The Textile Services Association (TSA) continues to lobby on behalf of its membership of commercial and industrial laundries across the land. It is a strategy that has been paying off in airtime as stories have been picked up by the mainstream media, bringing the plight of the sector’s businesses into the limelight.

TSA CEO David Stevens said: ” “We have seen some great activity here, our second personalised press release was published last week about the experiences of  Ahmed Hassan, Lincoln Laundry (see LCN story here) and ITV also picked up the story and did a really good clip. Well done to Ahmed for representing our industry so well." Unfortunately, explained Stevens, ITV does not save its news clips but luckily Ahmed has shared a copy of the video here on his LinkedIn.

“Guy Turvill from Swiss Laundry was able to attend an Institute for Family Business( IFB) Roundtable meeting with the Prime Minister – we are not allowed to report the outputs – but he was able to again present our industry concerns and felt it had a good hearing.

“We were even able to get an interview on BBC Belfast Radio. A big thank you to Phil Gosh from Biko for driving this, it would not have happened without him and hopefully David Griffith at Lilliput will get some follow up publicity."  Please click here to listen to the clip.

“Obviously,” said Stevens,  “healthcare lobbying is totally different to the hospitality messages but again we are seeing some steady progress. The highlight will definitely be the outcomes of the joint TSA and De Montfort University research on Covid. The research   has proved that while washing the textiles does not present a real issue, the survival of Covid on the textile does and this presents real challenges for the OPL and home washing environments. The joint press release by the TSA and DMU, has certainly had some excellent coverage and is a real tool to be used in the discussion we can all start having about the benefits of commercially washing healthcare uniforms.

“ The most crucial aspect that has been highlighted by the media is the importance of commercial laundry as stated by ITV in the following statement “The university said Dr Laird advised the government that all healthcare uniforms should be laundered in hospitals to commercial standards or by an industrial laundry.” To read the article in full as published by LCN, please visit here.

For more information on the TSA and how to apply for membership, please visit