David Stevens, CEO of the Textile Services Association told his membership: “2020 has been an awful year for our sector, but I am so proud that the industry has continued to engage and support each other, in the adversity there has been a real coming together and my plea is that as we start to see some return of “normal” trading we continue working together so we can look forward to the future with real optimism.”

On pushing forward working for Government relief for hospitality laundries he said: “We have continued to try to drive the key industry messages and while, as usual, the actions are lacking, the messages are being received and, slowly, I think we are gaining some genuine support for the sector.  We have had notification of some laundries getting grant funding which is fantastic news.  The message is – do not give up, just keep being a nuisance!”

Additionally, TSA is supporting a petition that has been set up to create a Minister for Hospitality in the UK Government. It only requires 100,000 signatures to be debated in Parliament. Sign up at

• More next week on TSA and Covid-19 actions shortly and also a report on the joint webinar with TSA and UK Hospitality that aired last night (Thursday).