“Happy New Year to you all,” says Textile Services Association CEO David Stevens, as the industry braces itself to get to grips with whatever 2022 throws at us. His new year wish, not surprisingly, is that 2022 will be better than the last two.
Stevens commented: “While volumes are still down our conversations with members do all point towards a more positive outlook with the hospitality sector predicting another very busy summer. We held our board meeting last week and it was great to be able to present the plan for 2022 and it looks like another busy one.
“We will, of course, continue with the lobbying for more support but the reality is we are unlikely to change the government's mind on the role of the supply chain sector. What we can focus on is helping the industry to build back better and give as much support to improve our status and the profile of our industry. This is where we have seen real progress and is an area we will be developing throughout the year.
TSA’s first major event is the Knowledge Network Open Days on 8–9 February and he Association will also be kicking off one of its major work streams for 2022 – care homes and how they currently manage hygienic laundering of linen and clothing,. Steven promises more of this throughout the year.
In the spring TSA will also hopefully see the launch of Infinity TextilesTM, the industry’s recycling scheme for textiles. “This will close the loop to our claims of being fully circular and give us a real high profile story to talk to the customer base about. Simultaneously, we have also launched the biggest ever training programme, getting your team trained and up-skilled must be a great new years resolution for all of us.”
However, warned Stevens: “While there is lots going on we are also very conscious 2022 will continue to be a challenge. We have recently published the new LCI which is showing a 9.7% increase which is predominantly driven by energy prices and does not yet reflect the increase in wages.
“Finally, it has been pleasing to be able to offer a discount to all last year's laundry members this year. This has only been possible because we now have more members and have been very careful with expenditure, we do intend to continue the membership drive this year so if you know of any laundries that are not in membership please let us know as we would love to have a chat with them. The more members we have the more work we can deliver in representing our industry.”
• If you wish to find out how being a member of TSA can help your company, please visit here