The future of textile services is the theme of the Textile Services Association’s National Conference on Thursday, 15 November at The May Fair Hotel in London.

The day commences with an introduction by TSA chairman Charlie Betteridge, followed by keynote speaker, Igor Beuker who will take us on a journey shaping the future by sharing his insights from his many years spent as a business consultant to Fortune 500 companies.

What does the future look like? A panel of sector experts will each discuss the challenges ahead in various sectors and how it will impact on their day-to-day business.

The conference looks at post-Brexit challenges in the session “Brexit: Access to Skills the Immigration Challenge”

After lunch, Charlotte Sweeney OBE, will share her knowledge and bring delegates an outline of future management

The mid-afternoon session is "Future in the eyes of current leaders" featuring guest speakers Xavier Martiré, chief executive officer of Elis and Martin Kannegiesser, CEO of Kannegiesser and the honorary president of the German employers' association Gesamtmetall, who will examine the UK Market from a European perspective. Rounding off the afternoon, Keith Coates will give his own particular take on the industry in 2035.

The day finishes with a cocktail reception followed by a gala dinner. More details can be found at the TSA website