The show takes place at the China International Exhibition Centre in Beijing on 28-30 October 2009 and will run concurrently with Texcare Forum Asia, a series of seminars that will focus on the latest developments in the global professional textile care industry.

This year’s exhibition area of almost 10,000 square metres will include country pavilions for Germany and Italy said Messe Frankfurt.

Companies confirmed so far include Büfa, Kannegiesser, Seitz and Veit of Germany; Electrolux, Firbimatic, Ghidini Benvenuto, Ilsa, Imesa, Italclean, Pony, Renzacci, Silc and Trevil of Italy; Lapauw and Primus of Belgium; Girbau China; Jensen Asia; Malkan of Turkey; Air World, Alliance Laundry Systems, ADC, Chicago Dryer Company, Hoffman/New Yorker of the USA.