The industry's interest in Texcare International is strong, says organiser Mess Frankfurt , as it announces that nine months before the event, which stages in Frankfurt, Germany in November, 247 companies from 30 countries have already registered and the exhibition space is almost fully booked. The companies, including all the market leaders, are taking advantage of the leading trade fair to present their innovations live to a global trade audience and a high level of international participation is expected.
Texcare International will take place again after a long break due to the pandemic and will bring together textile care experts in Frankfurt am Main from 6 to 9 November. With 247 exhibitors from 30 countries already having registered, significantly more than at the same time of the planned previous event in 2020, Johannes Schmid-Wiedersheim, director of Texcare, is confident this hyear’s event will be one to remember. "We are delighted with the strong response from the industry. Texcare will have an enormous range this time – in addition to the major manufacturers of machinery, chemicals and textiles, there will also be many new companies, for example from the robotics and IT sectors. With exhibitors from all over Europe, Asia and North America, we are once again achieving a very high level of internationality. Visitors can therefore expect a comprehensive overview of innovations from all product areas of textile care," he said.
Thanks to improved utilisation of the available hall space, Texcare 2024 will take place in Hall 8 and the Galleria – the exhibition area will remain virtually unchanged compared to the previous event. Among the exhibitors who have registered are Alliance Laundry, Christeyns, Danube, Domus Laundry, Girbau, Ecolab, Jensen, Kannegiesser, Lavatec, LG Electronics, Metalprogetti, Milnor, Multimatic, Sankosha, Texfinity and Veit.
Elgar Straub, managing director of VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, sees Texcare 2024 firmly anchored in the calendar for the machinery and plant engineering industry, saying:"The textile care industry is also currently facing major challenges. These, from the constantly changing requirements of legislators to labour shortages and difficult trading conditions due to geopolitical changes, underline the need for international industry representatives to finally be able to meet and exchange ideas at the world's leading trade fair Texcare International again. Top themes at Texcare will include digitalisation and automation and how these can help customers to achieve greater flexibility, sustainability and quality in their production."
Andreas Schumacher, managing director of the German Textile Cleaning Association, is looking forward to Texcare and emphasises the opportunities for textile care companies: "It is important for our industry to finally meet in person again. Particularly in view of the current challenges, such as rising costs, especially in the energy sector, and the shortage of skilled labour, I think it is essential to experience the industry's innovations and discuss ideas for new business areas together. It's great that so many exhibitors have already registered – we are looking forward to our leading trade fair."
The comprehensive range of products and services at Texcare is aimed at commercial laundries, textile service providers and dry cleaners, as well as hotels, hospitals, care homes and other businesses that professionally handle their own laundry.”