All drycleaning machinery supplied by SLEAT members will include a permanent sticker attached which will include a serial number to identify the machine to officers who may inspect the machinery as part of the regulatory monitoring of drycleaning shops.

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) has acknowledged the new code, and will be informing local authorities when the code is published. In Scotland, SEPA will also be advising of the code.

David Hart, secretary of SLEAT said while it is recognised that suppliers, who are not members of the society offer machinery that complies with SED, the code will offer drycleaners the reassurance that they are purchasing machinery from a member of a reputable trade association. He added: “Chairman Jason Alexander and the drycleaning sector committee are to be congratulated on this initiative.”

Companies participating in the scheme are: CP Engineering, Dane Realstar, Drycleaning & Laundry Services, Dry Tech, Firbimatic, Permac Technical Service and Renzacci UK.

Sleat SED logo CODE OF CONDUCT: The SLEAT Drycleaning Sector Committee signs to commit to the Code of Conduct (from left) Stephen Pick (Permac Technical Services); Andrew Lambert (Firbimatic UK); Jason Alexander (Renzacci UK); Paul Higgs (Dane Realstar); Peter McArdle (Sleat dryclean committee