Candidates must have completed the Scottish vocational qualification (SVQ) level 2 in laundry operations or laundry service support between August 2008 and August 2009.

Laundry businesses and training providers are being invited to nominate candidates and entries must be received by 16 September.

The judging panel will be Donald Campbell, chairman TSA Scotland, Elaine Snell, qualifications manager Scottish Qualifications Authority, Archie Kerr, independent assessor and a representative of Skillfast-UK. Judging will take place at the end of September and the winners will be announced at the TSA conference in Edinburgh on 24 October.

Judge Archie Kerr says that the panel will be looking for nominations that describe the SVQ achievers as having gained knowledge and confidence in their abilities as a result of completing the qualifications. Companies making the nominations should say why their candidate deserves the award – whether this is because of dedication to the course in the face of work and home pressures or because they have made an extra contribution to the business as a result of gaining the qualification.