SATRA Technology Europe, an Irish Notified Body based close to Dublin, has reported sustained growth in demand for its services certifying PPE products for CE marking and sale in the European Union.

SATRA is a Notified Body for various European directives including personal protection equipment (PPE), which is one of SATRA’s largest sector operations.

During the last two years the business has rapidly grown capacity by introducing improved IT systems and more than doubling the number of PPE certification assessors working on EU Type Approval certificates.

To accommodate anticipated further growth, the business has just moved into larger offices at the same Bracetown Business Park address. This further investment means that SATRA Technology Europe is now extremely well-placed to take on more certification assessment work and help companies comply with the new PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

The new PPE Regulation that came into effect in April this year has meant that many companies are re-certifying their PPE products in advance of April 2019.

SATRA Technology Europe’s general manager, Geoff Graham, said: “This is an exciting time of growth for the business. Being in Ireland, an EU27 member state, means that the validity of certificates we issue will not be affected in any way by Brexit. We usually arrange testing of the PPE at SATRA’s ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratories in the UK prior to certification assessment in Ireland.”