Salisbury Linen Services (SLS) marked10 years of existence with a lunch for staff along with a number of customers and suppliers in attendance. SLS was established and started operation in October 2013 when it purchased the laundry assets of the Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, along with transferring the laundry’s 35 staff to the new venture.
In a brief address Kevin Newton, managing director of SLS welcomed the gathering of approx. 75, outlining the journey of the business and paid tribute to the staff for their support and ‘can do, will do’ attitude shown over the years.
The journey started with SLS operating the Salisbury Laundry servicing three hospitals and a few local hospitality accounts producing approximately 6.25 million pieces a year.
Ten years on, SLS now operates two laundries – one in Salisbury, the other in Eastbourne – now servicing 11 acute hospitals along with some local healthcare community sites, producing 30 million pieces a year employing 167 staff.
The past 10 years have not been without their challenges, namely, Brexit, Covid and the war in Ukraine. However, with the support, positive thinking and flexibility the staff have shown over the years we have managed to navigate a way through these challenges and in most cases with a positive outcome.
Kevin Newton on behalf of his fellow directors wanted to acknowledge the Board’s appreciation of the high level of staff retention and low absenteeism over the years and felt that it was fitting that on the occasion of SLS’s 10th birthday we should present some long service awards.
A presentation was then made to six staff members who were still working in the business, with each of them having a minimum of 20 years continuous service. From left to right, staff pictured are Brenda, Mark, Caroline, Jo and Jenny.