Rinnai is offering a free cost comparison report on continuous flow versus all other hot water delivery systems. The company manufactures a complete range of limitless, precision temperature, continuous flow water heating systems for all textile care businesses’ hot water needs.

Rinnai continually innovates in order to help meet the current challenges by making freely available a complete cost comparison report customised to any laundry site needing to update and improve its hot water delivery units or systems. All that is required to produce the report is basic data from the site – plantroom site and size, current hot water delivery system, amount of anticipated demand, number of outlets, peak usage, required temperature(s) of the hot water.

This is then analysed into a comprehensive report based on the physical and carbon footprint to include the life cycle costs – especially initial capital expenditure and, most importantly for the site, operations costs, and any savings.

Once all data has been gathered and analysed the report is then produced in all usual formats of both electronic or hard copy and is usually available in 24 hours. The report will include graphs, charts, and visuals on the effects of the hot water delivery system currently employed and possible choices for greater and quicker budgetary efficiency.

As well as providing the report, Rinnai continues to provide 24/7 technical service, product and spares availability; and digital technology aids such as the ‘Help Me Choose’ facility on the website.

Rinnai has geared its entire operation to assist sites in all industries and institutions to meet the current situation. All sites have their own unique qualities, plantrooms, operations and working practices. For example, a laundry may require a precise temperature for maximum efficacy of any chemicals employed; care homes may need a set temperature in the living areas but very hot temperatures in its laundry for thermal disinfection of linen.