Rinnai can offer limitless hot water for all healthcare sites urgently needing instant, continuous, precise temperature-controlled hot water for thermal/chemical disinfection that is economic and with a light carbon footprint. The company also dangles the carrot of major savings of 30% possible on each site to operators.

Rinnai offers healthcare sites a free survey and cost comparison- plus a ‘Help Me Choose’ facility via the company’s own digital touchpoints. This service is being emphasised in conjunction with ‘now’ being an ideal time to replace old, inefficient stored water systems which may be causing emergency breakdowns.

The Rinnai range is ready for the initial blends of hydrogen and the company’s N Series operates perfectly powered by BioLPG. Significant operational expenditure advantages, reduced energy costs and carbon reductions make the continuous flow method an attractive proposition.

Hospitals of any size, care homes, GP surgeries, day centres and so on can simply visit the website for instant assistance on choosing the right products to deliver limitless hot water yielding real fuel, energy, and environmental efficiencies. Rinnai water heaters are temperature controlled and accurate making them ideal for thermal disinfection purposes where required and can be set to any lower temperature for chemical disinfection. So, infinitely flexible for laundries dealing with Scrubs, linen and towels or for residents’ own more delicate personal garments.

Provided there is a constant supply of gas and water Rinnai water heating units are guaranteed to supply temperature accurate hot water in unlimited quantities for all hygiene regimes in all types of sites.

Rinnai is also offering free surveys and a complete cost comparison report customised to any site needing to update and improve their hot water delivery unit or system. The reports need basic data from the site – plantroom, current hot water delivery system, demand, number of outlets, peak usage, required temperature of the hot water.

This is then analysed into a comprehensive report based on the physical and carbon footprint to include the Life Cycle costs – especially initial capital expenditure and, most importantly for the site, operation costs, and any savings.

Rinnai has geared its entire operation to assist all healthcare sites to meet the challenges of the Covid-19 situation. Also new from Rinnai: social distancing aids; 24/7 technical support; 24/7 product and spares availability.

Rinnai is also offering full services for essential works support to NHS facilities and care homes.

For more information T:  01928 531 870 or E: