TSA’s chief executive Murray Simpson was clearly proud of the achievements to date. He said that the close collaboration between the Guild and the TSA had clearly worked and benefited members of both organisations.

The Guild’s concern is training while TSA has turned itself into a modern trade association. Now it was time to streamline those ideas and to widen the debate on the way the laundry and drycleaning industries should be represented in future to serve their members better.

Towards the end of last year, TSA formed a partnership with the UK Fashion and Textile Association. Adam Mansell, deputy director of UKFT expanded the theme of partnership and discussed how that might develop in the next ten years. He examined common issues between industry associations and possible areas of collaboration. He suggested that more networking could bring all areas of the industry into closer contact – from textile designers and manufacturers to machine manufacturers and professional garment cleaners.

Terry Waite proved a marvellous keynote speaker who provided an inspiring message of hope in the face of tremendous adversity. He gave a moving account of his five years as a hostage in the Lebanon and included the politics of such events but he also explained his personal philosophy, rooted in his experiences and his Christian beliefs, and describe his work with the charity he set up to help young people Ycare.

The conference also included several speakers who gave practical advice.

Bob Ruddick of the Carbon Trust explained the interest-free loans available for purchasing energy efficient equipment. Roger Cawood gave a well-received talk on the best ways of tackling stain removal.

Guild president, Adrian Redwood announced the launch of the organisation’s booklet on Laundry Chemicals and told the audience that Ken Cupitt was currently compiling a comprehensive drycleaning guide – described as the “definitive industry Bible”. The Guild expects to launch this in 2011.

The conference was accompanied by a well-supported sponsors’ exhibition.

A full report of the conference and exhibition will appear in the June edition of Laundry & Cleaning News.