Kreussler Textile Care launches the disinfecting solvent additive Cinta Sept to fight bacteria, yeasts and enveloped viruses like coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its mutants in the drycleaning process.

Cinta Sept can be easily added to leading solvents in distilling cleaning machines such as SOLVONK4, perchloroethylene, hydrocarbons, intense® and SENSENE™. It shows proven limited virucidal activity, meaning that it deactivates enveloped viruses like coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its mutants if properly used.

By adding Cinta Sept, said Kreussler, textiles can be freed from enveloped viruses, bacteria and yeasts quickly and gently, protecting fibres and colours. Cinta Sept is notified as a biocide in the UK as well as German and other countries will follow, said Kreussler. It is dermatest certified as ‘excellent’.

The product has an extraordinary development history, said a Kreussler spokesperson. “Since there are no standards or specifications in the area of disinfection in solvents to date, three of the leading solution providers – Kreussler Textile Care, BÜFA and SEITZ – decided to jointly develop an additive with antimicrobial effectiveness, supported by industry associations and machine manufacturers.

Its effectiveness was proven in different tests by an independent testing institute according to several DIN standards. Based on the final formulation, each company has developed its own product.”