Krebe Tippo has launched its 516 Smart Drum solution at EXPODetergo (Hall 3P – S22-T21) and is already attracting some extremely positive attention, according to Anja Uranjek, head of sales and marketing at Krebe Tippo, who said: “We are ecstatic to present our patented invention called 516 Smart Drum, which is one of our biggest achievements. We are presenting the solution on our stand and people are insanely interested in it.”
The 516 Smart Drum solves additional problem of lack of optimized washing cycle programs based on particular RFID tag equipped article of linen by reading and processing the data stored on each individual RFID tag.
Simply load the machine with RFID tagged linen. As the drum rotates, 516 Touch reads the RFID codes and obtains all the ID from tags.
Collect and send the information – 516 Touch receives data of the linen input according to the ID’s from the Database.
The machine selects the program and starts washing according to the information from the Database 516 Touch which offers some carefully selected programs that are appropriate for processing the recognised linen and as long as there is no contradiction between the linen pieces in the drum, allows washing to start. Check it out here.
Uranjek told LCNi: “The first day was amazing, with a lot of people visiting our booth and not just randomly but with specific interest. I enjoyed the first day a lot, worked like crazy and remembered how great life was before Covid. So I’m really looking forward to today and hope that this feeling will last until the end.”