Jensen-Group has agreed to acquire up to 49% of Tolon, the Turkish laundry equipment manufacturer that distributes Jensen machines and systems in Turkey as well as marketing its own machines.
The two companies have been working together for five years and last year reached agreement for Tolon to produce washer-extractors and dryers under the Jensen label as well as selling its own products.
Jensen has adopted a one-stop shop approach for its heavy-duty laundry range and this will now be complemented by a range of highly competitive stand-alone washers and dryers carrying its brand.
The JWE washers and JTD dyers will be offered in 20, 40, 60 and 110kg capacities (45, 90, 130, and 250lb) and available to Jensen sales companies worldwide
Tolon is a market leader in the Turkish commercial and heavy-duty laundry markets and has now developed a range specifically for the EU market. It established an office in Ghent in 2015 and is in the process of setting up a network of independent Tolon distributors for the commercial laundry market.
WASHER RANGE: Jensen labelled washer-extractors and dryers were on show at Texcare Asia