Some cleaners even fail to check pockets at the counter and leave this critical operation entirely to the machine operator.
As well as running the risk that certain garment faults such as localised colour loss or a tear in the fabric might be missed, the cleaner has also lost a vital opportunity to sell additional services.
While it can be very difficult for cleaners to inspect garments fully in the presence of the customer at peak times, failure to do so can lead to problems. If serious garment faults are missed and the item is cleaned, a subsequent claim that the business is responsible for the damage can proved expensive.
Where items are properly inspected at the counter and the pockets checked, the cleaner has the opportunity to bring any split seams, holes or tears to the attention of the customer. This then opens up the possibility for the sale of a full or half pocket, seam repair or perhaps an in-weave repair.
These can of course, provide a worthwhile increase in turnover and, at the same time, reduce the risk of spurious claims.
When inspecting garments cleaners should also take the time to check zip fasteners.
If a broken zip is noticed the cleaner can offer to replace it and make substantial charge. However, if the broken zip is not noticed, and the customer later insists that it was working when the garment was brought in, then the cleaner may have to carry out this costly repair free of charge.