The convention programme starts on Thursday afternoon when Ray Lambert of Jeeves of Belgravia/ Jeeves International will describe the company’s approach to Luxury Drycleaning.

Masashi Shimenoki, president of the Textile Care Information Service Inc, Japan will talk about Transforming the Industry to Textile Care and the session will end with an open forum on New Business and New Equipment, led by Ken Uchikoshi from Sankosha, Japan.

On Friday morning delegates will visit Dormer Ireland to see its range of products and a demonstration of wetcleaning. Then in the afternoon Diana Vollmer of Methods for Management, USA, will explain Management Strategies to Enhance the Image of Textile Care.

Cinet general secretary, Peter Wennekes will then talk about projects to support the professional textile Care industry, including The Fashion Care Concept and the E-dryclean online training programme.

Chris Tebbs will lead an open discussion on Solvents – The Future.

Saturday morning will be devoted to a report on an examination of market trends. Peter Wennekes will deliver an overview and this will be followed by a series of reports on the countries represented including Canada, China, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, Romania, UK and USA.

The event will end with a gala dinner.