The 2015 convention of the International Drycleaners Congress will take place from 13 – 16 September at the International Convention Centre in Osaka.
The return to Japan is significant as the Japan Cleaning Productivity Council was instrumental in founding IDC and, through this organisation, Japanese cleaners have supported IDC’s aims for over 50 years. IDC’s president this year is Toshiyuki Izumi of Izumiya Cleaning Ltd, now rebranded as I’s.
The convention starts on Monday 14 September with the official opening by the Mayor of Osaka, the IDC president and executive director Chris Tebbs.
Then the first session will look at why the Japanese Cleaning industry is successful, with talks by Yoshio Nishikawa, president of the NIC and Shuhai Numazaki of the U-Go Corp.
On Tuesday the convention programme will take an international perspective, with presentations from Ray Lambert of Lambert Associates and former CEO of Jeeves of Belgravia, and from Rafiq Karimi, John Morroco and Steven J Skonecke of CD One Price Cleaners of Chicago.
In addition to the formal programme, convention delegates will visit local businesses and those arriving early will be able to joins tours of Kyoto.
The convention hosts a Gala dinner on Tuesday evening and the event ends with the traditional Sayonara breakfast on Wednesday morning