
Scientists at the Hohenstein Institute in Germany are looking to develop reusable textiles that will make operating theatre clothing more comfortable to wear and also last longer.

In an ongoing joint research project into 2016, Hohenstein scientists are studying the garments currently on the market with particular attention to the interaction between body, climate and clothing. Imbalances here can make theatre staff uncomfortable and also reduce alertness and performance.

At the same time, the wfk – Cleaning Technology Institute, is researching cleaning processes to minimise the thermal and mechanical wear on the protective textiles to extend their working life.

Researchers say that an improved cleaning process, based upon the reduction in the washing temperature and the mechanical stresses, together with specially developed cleaning and disinfecting routines, could extend the lifespan of reusable operating theatre textiles by 25% and help hospitals potentially save as much as 12.9million Euros.