The Guild of Cleaners and Launderers has organised a laundry technology training course for the week commencing Monday 24 October 2016.

It is a residential course with daytime and evening lectures so that the candidates will get the maximum they can from the time they are away, explained Ken Cupitt, the Guild’s chairman of Council & Examination Board.

Johnson's has offered the Guild the use of its training rooms at its CPU in Rugby and a nearby hotel will be used for accommodation and meals.

The course will cost £1,100 per candidate for the course with a maximum of 10 candidates. Hotel accommodation and food is included.

Also included is the cost of a Guild Examination in Laundry Technology in the last few hours of the course. A Guild Certificate in Intermediate Laundry Technology will be awarded to any candidate achieving the pass rate of 70%.

LAUNDRY TRAINING: The Guild of Cleaners and Launderers has organised a laundry technology training course for the week commencing Monday 24 October 2016, said Ken Cupitt, the Guild’s chairman of Council & Examination Board