Canadians place a high value on the environment and on healthy communities. In a press release issued on 28 February, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Catherine McKenna (pictured) announced $131,519 in funding to support Seneca College in carrying out a national project that will help drycleaning operators across the country understand their role in preventing pollution.
This funding comes from the Environmental Damages Fund, a Government of Canada program administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada. The fund follows the polluter-pays principle and ensures that court-awarded penalties are used for projects with positive environmental impacts, in the manner intended by the court.
The funding for this project comes from nine separate court penalties levied against drycleaners convicted for environmental infractions across the country.
The project involves developing an education program for drycleaning operators, including a website, a social media campaign, and three videos to promote pollution prevention in the drycleaning industry.