BEST PRACTICES: The Gibson’s Cleaners team is pictured together with Peter Wennekes (on left), president/CEO of CINET and Sidney Chelskey (2nd left), CFA executive director
A new pre-selection chapter of The Global Best Practices Awards Program 2020, the Canadian Best Practices Awards took place in Toronto, Canada on 5 October, during the Canadian Fabricare Association (CFA) Conference.
Organised by CINET, the European textile care association, in cooperation with CFA, the Canadian awards is one of the pre-selections chapters in CINET’s Global Best Practices Awards Program, the final of which will take place in Frankfurt, Germany during Texcare International on 20-22 June 2020.
The Canadian Overall Best Practices Award was won by Gibson’s Cleaners of Toronto and a Gibson’s Cleaner’s representative will be invited to the GBPA 2020 final.
Fishman’s Wet Cleaners achieved the Sustainability Award while the Innovation Award was granted to TSC Wetclean.
The winner of CFA’s Allied Trade Member of the Year Award for 2019 was Irv Weiser of Dalex Company.