Lincolnshire-based garment decorations specialist J&A (International) is now Carbon Neutral. The company is known for its heat seal transfers and badges which are used widely across the workwear market. The announcement follows stringent assessments of its manufacturing site to evaluate its Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

J&A chairman Charles Fry said: “The first thing we needed to do was to assess where we were, so we employed The British Print Industry Federation (BPIF) to evaluate and verify our scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.”

Scope 1 is Direct Emissions so BPIF assessors looked at the use of gas in the dryers and heaters used to produce transfers and also heat J&A’s premises. 

Scope 2 is Energy Indirect Emissions is the electricity produced for J&A to use on its site in Lincolnshire. This, too, needed to be evaluated.

Finally, Scope 3 is Other Indirect Emissions which meant the assessors needed to explore and evaluate the inks used in production, all the packaging, travelling to and from work and everything else required for manufacturing their products. 

“Next, we partnered with Carbon Footprint, a company specialising in bringing to market evaluated and verified schemes, to help us offset the remainder of our CO2 emission by investing in projects around the world which reduce the amount of carbon being released into the atmosphere,” said Fry.

“After considering various projects we decided to invest in one which provides improved cooking stoves in developing countries. This not only facilitates clean cooking practices thereby reducing health risks from indoor air pollution but also leads to reduction of greenhouse gas emission and the byproducts of combustions.

“Each year we will actively strive to reduce our carbon emissions. We will ensure our remaining emissions are independently assessed and we will partner with high quality companies, investing in verified projects which offset the balance of our emissions.”