Dibella, long-established supplier to textiles rental services of long-lasting textiles used in the hotel industry, catering trade and healthcare, announced a year ago there would be a change of managing director. Now, with immediate effect, Carsten Ridder fills the position of co-managing director alongside Stefan Tenbusch. At the same time, previous managing director Ralf Hellmann (pictured on the left with Ridder, right) will take on an advisory role in the company.

Ridder is no stranger to the company with many years of experience as a committed member of the management. In 2001, the banker and graduate in business administration first joined sister company Bimeco, before moving to Dibella in 2017 as an authorised signatory and member of the management team.

During this time, he has contributed significantly to the development and implementation of important strategies in the areas of human resources and finance, among others. In addition, he is an active shareholder and lives the company values and goals to a special degree.

Ralf Hellmann will continue to play an important role in the company after his retirement from management by supporting Dibella in an advisory capacity. His experience and knowledge will remain a valuable resource to ensure the success of the projects already initiated as well as new ones.

Ridder said: "I am very grateful for the trust placed in me and the opportunity to become part of the Dibella executive management team. I will work with full determination, together with the entire Dibella team, to further promote our corporate values and drive growth, while together with our suppliers and partners we increasingly focus on sustainable solutions for our customers that have a positive impact on our society and environment.”

Dibella stands for friendly and fair interaction with each other. We work and discuss as a team at eye level. What you appreciate to do, you enjoy doing, and what you enjoy doing, you do well! This statement sums up Dibella and our daily work. We can only accomplish the tasks ahead of us together and I am happy to be part of a highly motivated and committed team."

The entire Dibella team is looking forward to a successful cooperation with Carsten Ridder and is committed to continue the Dibella success story.