Clean Show organiser Riddle & Associates has published its figures for the 2013 event, held in New Orleans in June, and says they add up to a success.

Visitor registrations totalled 10,300 over the three days and included 1,663 from 83 countries outside the USA. Of these Canada had the largest representation with 365 delegates, followed by Japan 121, Brazil 118, Mexico 105 and Australia 101.

At the previous show, held in Las Vegas in 2011, the total was 11,300 but this was for a four-day event, so Clean 2013 attendance showed an improvement in the daily average of just over 600.

The 2013 event also saw a 6% increase in exhibitor space over that for the 2011 show and in all 422 exhibitors occupied over 195,140 net sq ft.

Clean 2013 offered 40 hours of educational sessions including six additional sessions that took place on the exhibition floor. Sessions were provided by four of the five show sponsors as well as by three additional related associations.

Clean 2015 is scheduled for Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Centre in April 2015 but exact dates have not been finalised as a survey is being conducted among visitors and exhibitors to see whether they favour a three or four day event.