Clean 2017 has been named one of Trade Show Executive’s 50 Fastest-Growing shows of 2017.  The show, held in Las Vegas last June, was included in all three categories of the awards competition: net square feet of exhibit space, number of exhibiting companies, and total attendance.

Trade Show Executive magazine presents the Fastest 50 awards annually to trade shows that have excelled in each of the three categories. Though 50 shows are named in each category, Clean 2017 is one of the few trade shows that exceeded the level of growth to be named in all three. Recipients of the 2017 Fastest 50 will attend an awards and summit on 13-15 June in Chicago.

Formally named the World Educational Congress for Laundering and Drycleaning, the Clean Show is sponsored by five industry associations: Association for Linen Management; Coin Laundry Association; Drycleaning and Laundry Institute; Textile Care Allied Trades Association; and TRSA, the association for linen, uniform and facility services.

Clean 2019 will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 20-23 June, 2019.