UK, France and USA businesses cleaned up with top trophies at the Cinet 2020 Gobal Best Practices Awards Programme (GBAP) event took place on 5 November with the ceremony airing live in a virtual experience from Amsterdam. The competition was divided into three categories with the winners listed below.

Oceanside Cleaners, USA

RTC-A for SME Retail Textile Cleaning companies

• Oxwash, UK

 RTC-B for big retail companies, and

• GCS BIH 77, France

ITS – Industrial Textile Service companies.

Selection of finalists
More than 125 applications from around 40 countries were received, said Cinet. Before Covid-19 came along five pre-selections were already organised and the winners automatically qualified for the final presentation. Six pre-selections needed to be cancelled or were organised virtually. The Cinet international pre-selection jury evaluated all applications and the finalists were invited to give a virtual pitch presentation of three minutes for an online judging session. The 20-strong Cinet GBPAP 2020 international jury viewed the presentations on 5 November online.

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