Giuseppe Conti, president of A13 (pictured top right) has been elected as the new president of the Assofornitori Association (Associazione Fornitori Aziende Manutenzione dei Tessili).

He has been a member of the Assofornitori Board since 2011 and the executive director at Expo Detergo.

The new president of Expo Detergo is Gabrio Renzacci, the president of Renzacci (pictured lower right), who has had numerous roles at an executive level within the Assofornitori and Expo Detergo for more than thirty years.

Assofornitori and Expo Detergo both represent producers operating in the sectors of laundry, drycleaning, ironing, logistics, chemistry, textiles and allied products.

Expo Detergo organises and promotes, in collaboration with FieraMilano, the biggest European exhibition of textile care sector held every four years (EXPOdetergo International, the brand owned by Assofornitori).

It is also the publisher of Detergo, an official publication of the Assofornitori Association.