Jenton International, supplier of banding systems to laundry operations, has in the past 12 months received many enquiries about how to save or remove plastic completely on in laundries and also on more cost efficient machinery. Robert Cohen,  Jenton International’s packaging sales manager, explained: “The machines and automation systems that we sell can make a huge impact on costs but also on the environment, reduction of CO2 emissions.

“ A cost comparison analysis has shown us that a standard heat shrink system can consume up to 90%-95% more energy than the banding systems. As the word indicates, heat shrink systems use heat which requires a lot of compressed air and contributes to Co2 emissions. In comparison, the banding systems use a small fraction of compressed as no heat is involved at all. Furthermore, as the heat shrink systems generate heat it releases hot air also in the production area adding to the high temperature you will find in most laundry companies who use energy to operate air conditioning systems to cool the operation area.

Another cost saving for the laundry companies is the implications on the ‘plastic tax’. Jenton International offers the option of using three different materials for the banding:

  1. A plastic (PP) band (100% recyclable –( Recycle code 05)
  2. A paper material with two side coating of PP
  1. A plastic-free paper material (100% recyclable – (Recycle code 22 PAP)  which means no plastic tax to be paid

The banding systems range starts from manual machines to fully integrated automation lines to existing lines. In addition, the banding machines can be equipped with a thermal transfer printer which allows customers to print information which is read by RFID/ chips on the products directly on the band, such as end-customer details, product details and so on.

“I believe that these banding machines can make an huge impact for laundry companies and we want to promote this as much as possible. These banding systems have already been successfully implemented across Europe, said Cohen. Laundry equipment sustainability pioneers Jensen and Kannegiesser are both customers.

For more information Jenton International and its banding products please visit here