To change the way we care for our clothes – prolonging their lives and learning how to respect the environment – the Germany-based manufacturer AEG has teamed up with fashion designers to launch the Care Label Project. Alongside selected industry partners, AEG is promoting a new care label symbol – “Don’t Overwash” – that will be added to the garments of participating designers.

An international study by AEG concluded that one-third of consumers find care labels confusing yet still follow them. Meanwhile designers lack both time and infrastructure to do proper laundry testing, and so add inaccurate instructions to their garments in order to avoid being responsible for any damage created during the washing process. The result is an overuse of Dry Clean Only.

AEG is inviting fashion houses globally, including selected Not Just A Label (NJAL) designers to implement the awareness campaign within their garments. NJAL brings together a community of contemporary designers from over 110 countries. The Care Label project also has support from fellow industry partners such as The Woolmark Company and Fashion Revolution.

Don’t Overwash asks customers to wash less, and at 40C degrees or less. The goal is for consumers to take care of their investment pieces so that they can be worn more than just one season. So far, 18,200 styles of clothing have been updated with the new label.

In 2016, AEG and NJAL selected a number of designers to launch an exclusive collection of designer garments for 2017 campaign, with lab tested care advice and a modern fabric guide. The resulting fashion collection – the Care Label Collection – is a long-term collaboration aiming to deliver smarter washing technologies and fabrics that can create a new sensitivity towards fabric care.

Aftercare of clothes has a great impact on both the longevity of clothes and the environment. However, our care habits have not changed in a very long time, even though we now have modern technologies that can prolong the life of both our clothes and the environment, if used correctly”, says Ian Banes, senior vice president, Laundry at AEG.