The Society of Hospital Linen Services and Laundry Managers (SHLSLM) professional association was founded in 1951 to bring laundry managers together. Specialists in linen services to healthcare SHLSLM can offer sound practical advice on the many aspects of linen service management and the textiles industry.

The aim of the Society is to be a leader in promoting state of the art provision of healthcare linen services and laundry through sharing knowledge and providing education for members so they can be competent in managing linen services and processing textiles.

The SHLSLM annual professional development forum is a key event for NHS and commercial laundry and linen services professionals as well as a wide range of allied traders. The annual forum topk olace on 28 September in Stratford-upon-Avon, bringing together hospital linen managers, laundries and supplier to witness a variety of presentations and debated the workings of NHS laundry management from take up of RFID and automatic uniform dispensers, smart productivity solutions through to procurement protocols.

The objectives of the Society are:

• To promote safe and effective decontamination of linens and uniforms to healthcare professionals.

• To promote best practice by facilitating networking opportunities

• To promote (and provide?) training in our sector

To inform members of new and novel products and services via networking, forums and the website.

• To influence Government and Procurement Authorities policy

• To be open, inclusive and transparent in communicating with members

For more details on the society and its aims contact


• You can read the full forum report in the October UK issue of LCN where we also feature a Material Solutions masterclass on low temperature washing for healthcare. If you would like to receive a copy of the issue, please contact