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Dropping a bomb on traditional methods

Is it time to blow traditional hot water delivery of the water? Chris Goggin of Rinnai certainly thinks so, saying hydrogen is the fuel that will probably replace natural gas in powering the country – and laundries – to a carbon-free future

Ozone unmasked

The use of ozone in laundry applications has taken on more significance as its very real benefits as a destroyer of harmful pathogens puts it centre stage in the Covid-19 age. Richard Neale of LTC Worldwide investigates

Green grow the cleaners-oh

Cleaners are colouring their world green – from solvents and chemicals combined with processes that are capable of zapping pathogens, including Covid-19, to putting the kybosh on single use plastics. Kathy Bowry reports

It was a total fit-up, guv

Howard Bradley lifts our spirits with a tale of duplicity from 1960s London

London pride

Have you considered joining the Worshipful Company of Launderers, one of the friendliest and most welcoming of the world-famous London Livery Companies? Read on to find out more

Cages unlocked

How to transport laundry from pillar to post safely and efficiently? A well-designed cage or trolley fleet is the key. Kathy Bowry takes a look at what’s out there

Looking after polyester

Polyester is universally thought to be trouble-free but this is a false assumption, warns Roger Cawood

Stain removal 1 – The Basics

Our new series of What Went Wrong continues with experts Richard Neale and Roger Cawood in a target masterclass looking at the basic skills needed for stain removal

Smart turn-out

As the hospitality industry wakes up from its enforced hibernation, uniform rental businesses have an opportunity to hammer home their message and make hay while the sun shines. LCN caught up with John Shonfeld of hospitality workwear supplier Tibard who explains why now is the time for hotels and restaurants to rethink hospitality workwear procurement

Cool results with heat recovery

Christeyns develops purpose-built energy saving unit to shave up to 50% off laundry energy costs