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How to avoid chemical damage
Chemical damage to textiles is very hard to recover from so getting it right at the very beginning of the process is key to success. LCN’s experts Richard Neale and Roger Cawood share their expertise with drycleaners and wetcleaners
Reflections on the life of a liveryman
Roger Salmond looks back over 32 years as a Liveryman and recognises the value of the networking and the camaradarie it brings
Pull the pin and stand well back…
Complaining is a real British speciality – and although complaints must be taken seriously, there is humour to be found in this unavoidable situation, as Howard Bradley points out
Hospitality unlocked – back to business
As hospitality eases into the ‘new normal’ this month the sector’s laundries breathe a sigh of relief. LCN finds out about the TSA/UKH joint Hygienically Clean Linen campaign and catches up with results and predictions from one of the UK’s largest linen rental providers, Johnson Service Group
Professionally qualified
Scientific publications indicate that textiles can be carriers of infection, especially in times of Covid-19. Here we look at persuasive arguments why workwear should be washed in a professional laundry instead of at home
Wash chemistry
Launderers and wetcleaners need gentle cleaning agents that do not leave a trail of toxicity behind them in the water system, that are also strong enough to kill nasty bugs at low temperatures, are kind to the skin and don’t diminish textile life. Is it too much to ask? Kathy Bowry finds out
Climate changers
The warmest climate for drying textiles with the gentlest effect on the product, the environment and the operator’s pocket is what is needed from OPL dryers. Is this achievable? Kathy Bowry finds out
Don’t throw the towel in on finished work odours
Richard Neale of LTC Worldwide shares his expertise on controlling odours on finished work, with particular reference to cabinet roller towels (CRTs). Don’t let these problems bug you, they are surmountable, he says
It’s all in the finish
For drycleaners and in particular wetcleaners, as business starts up again many skilled staff may no longer be available with new, inexperienced staff taking their place. It is a challenge, says Roger Cawood, for the finishing process where high ‘hands on’ skills are the order of the day
Rinnai offers great flow of water heating choices
UK Rinnai offers a complete range of limitless, precision temperature, continuous flow water heating systems for all textile care businesses’ hot water needs, and is urging operators to avail themselves of its free cost comparison report of continuous flow versus all other hot water delivery systems.