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Green CHP ‘transition’ technology vital for companies on their Net Zero journey

EuroSite Power has launched its Green combined heat and power (CHP) offering – believed to be the first of its kind available in the UK, its says – which it sees is a vital transition technology for laundry and drycleaning companies on their Net Zero journey.

Reusable textiles: ARTA’s virtual speaker series features world-class industry experts

The American Reusable Textile Association’s (ARTA) 2021 Virtual Speaker Series presents a group of world-class industry experts who will help organisations navigate the new landscape, maintain clients, and convert new ones. The series includes four sessions with data and information to help make the case for reusable textiles.

Middle East Cleaning Technology Week moves to 2022

The Middle East Cleaning Technology Week, including Gulf Laundrex, the region’s leading exhibition for the commercial cleaning and hygiene industries, has been moved on from September this year to a new slot in 2022. Joint organisers Messe Frankfurt Middle East (MFME) and VIS have announced the 6th edition of the three-day event, after careful consideration and extensive consultation with stakeholders and trade partners, decided to move the show to 2022 to allow more time for the industry to recover from the pandemic.

TSA: Commercial laundries commit to re-balancing gender and race ratios

The Textile Services Association (TSA) is calling for action on diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the industry is responding. “The numbers speak for themselves – in commercial laundries, on the shop floor, the gender balance is 50:50.  At board level it’s 80:20, in favour of men,” said Emma Andersson, membership manager of the TSA, which represents commercial laundries.  “The race ratio figures also are being reviewed and we expect to see a similar imbalance.”

Kenneth Cupitt FGCL installed as Master of the Worshipful Company of Launderers

On 21 June, Kenneth (Ken) Cupitt was installed as the 61st Master of the Worshipful Company of Launderers in a traditional ceremony which took place in the River Room at Glaziers Hall, the premises shared with The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers. Following the installation, Past Masters, current Wardens, Liverymen and guests processed to Southwark Cathedral for a special evensong, accompanied by the soaring voices of the choir, before returning to the Hall for a celebratory dinner and speeches.

Dates confirmed for World Textile Services Congress 2021

The World Textile Services Congress 2021 will take place on 30 November -1 December, co-located with Texcare International in Frankfurt, Germany. The event is hosted by major industry associations DTV (Germany), ETSA(Europe), FBT (Belgium),LAA (Australia), TSA (UK) and TRSA (United States)and will gather industry leaders from around the globe keen to assess their opportunities as the post-COVID recovery accelerates.

Diary of a sale: Staypress goes on the market

18 June
LCN caught up with Sandy and Angie Alexander who are selling their successful three-site business, Staypress, after 32 years trading. The business has grown over time from an at-home ironing service started by Angie, to three outlets in the Lothians Musselburgh, Haddington and Dalkeith – offering laundry, ironing and drycleaning services to local households. Although the business has stood up well to the ravages of the pandemic, and is now seeing uplift in demand, the couple recently took stock and decided it was time to ‘seize the day’ and move on to a new life.

Swedish tax break lightens the load


LCNi recently published a story on how the Swedish Laundry Association, Sveriges Tvätteriförbund, lobbied for and won a significant tax break for households employing the services of professional textile care businesses.Would that governments elsewhere, like here in the UK, were so enlightened. A move like this would do a lot to help businesses get back on their feet while providing a valuable service to the community including many elderly people.

BUBL wraps up PPE distribution deal

BUBL Packaging, a major supplier of recyclable and reusable protective packaging, is now a distributor for global personal protective equipment (PPE) leader ASAP Innovations. The company announces the availability of a full range through a distribution agreement with ASAP Innovations.

June LCN digital edition out now

The June UK digital issue of LCN concentrates on getting back to work as hospitality ratchets up again despite the unwelcome news that full re-opening has been put back to July.