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ETSA comment on Ambiente Italia report on benefits of reusable linen versus disposables

A report from Ambiente Italia and important follow-up data gathering undertaken by Assostima and Ambienete Italia – was presented at Ecomundo and heavily underscores the environmental advantages of reusable textiles. The news was analysed by Elena Lai at ETSA (the European Association for Textile Services) and reported on the Association’s news web page.

Ever decreasing

Superlative drycleaning (and wetcleaning) finishing is the ‘icing on the cake’ when it comes to turning out a professional result

Putting the brakes on the gas hike

The situation with energy prices means launderers need to address the problem promptly and imaginatively, says Richard Neale of LTC Worldwide

Time to recover

A new development allows laundries to recover heat and pure water from a steam tunnel

Applying a tourniquet to dye bleeds

Loose and fugitive dyes have always been a potential problem waiting around the corner to catch out the dry/wetcleaner. Conscientious operators have usually been able to avoid the problem by having a separate classification category which the industry generally refers to as ‘reds’ or ‘bleeders’. However in recent years, rather than reducing, the problem of dye bleeds appears to be on the increase requiring ever more vigilance on the part the operator in particular as heavy solvent contamination can happen quite unexpectedly. Heavy dye bleeds are not uncommon from normal dark loads and from fabrics such as 100% polyester that in the past were considered to be colour safe. To say nothing of the issues that arise with high value colour contrast garments.

Expertise is essential for leather and suede

Roger Cawood and Richard Neale look at the specialist skills needed to process leather and suede items and highlight the pitfalls for the unwary cleaner

Shining a light into the tunnel

Tunnel washers are the leading lights for commercial and industrial laundries and with good reason. Nevertheless, massive advances in technology over the past few years have fine-honed their considerable existing advantages, writes Kathy Bowry

TSA partnership offers infinite supply of greener linen for hospitality and healthcare

A commercial laundries recycling initiative will slash CO2 emissions and water consumption as the TSA teams up with UKHospitality, WRAP and PCIAW to launch the Infinite Textiles scheme. The scheme will see commercial laundries partnering with their customers to recycle end of life linen and towels from the hospitality, healthcare and leisure industries, with the aim of saving tens of thousands of tonnes of carbon and billions of litres of water every year.

Jensen-Group’s order book reaches pre-Covid levels

 It is good news from the Jensen-Group, which has reported a revenue of €260 million for 2021, an increase of 6% compared with 2020 as well as an order intake of €345 million. These achievements result from the strong market position of the Jensen-Group and its products, says the company.

TRSA hosts free to all Food & Beverage and Hospitality virtual summits

TRSA, the trade association for the North American linen rental industry is offering a free professional development opportunity for both members and non-members. In order to provide the high-quality trainings, while taking account of scheduling constraints, TRSA has decided to host its Food & Beverage Summit and the Hospitality Summit at no cost to TRSA members and non–members alike. The F&B Virtual Summit will be held on 15 March and the Hospitality Virtual Summit will be held on 16 March. The summits will each run from 11 am to 2 pm EST on their respective dates.