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Scholars soak up knowledge

WCL’s Travelling Scholars toured three UK laundry businesses in a quest to further their knowledge of the industry

Force of nature

Clean Supply has proved itself to be a force to be reckoned with, writes Kathy Bowry, and the future is looking good

Up, up and away

Howard Bradley looks back over some drycleaning disasters that he cannot help chuckling about today

The transfer deal

Transfers are a super-effective way to professionally and permanently mark ownership of items from uniforms through personal wear to bed linen and towels, as Innotex Transfers explains

Getting into hot-ish water

For commercial laundries it is not all about generating the hottest water possible, but being able to consistently generate it at the right temperature, and in a sustainable manner. Chris Goggin of Rinnai looks at modern, accessible technology that can achieve this in the face of rising gas prices

Let’s get trollied

As the industry gets moving again maybe it is time to review how you keep the wheels turning at top efficiency on the factory floor

Part 1: Friend or foe?

In the first of a two-part report, Brian Pearce make sense of the many solvents available to drycleaners and whether they actually deserve the hype given to some and the demonisation of others, notably Perc

When wishes come true

Two projects by Washco show what can be done to convert a customer’s wish list into reality

Swedish TSA looks forward to May annual conference

Daniel Kärrholt, CEO of the Swedish textile services association, Tvatteriforbundet, has a positive message for the Association’s Scandinavian membership, saying: “It is a troublesome world but at least we can meet in person now. We are planning our annual conference in Gothenburg, Sweden, on 19 May.” He has set up a raft of interesting speakers for the event.

Texprocess 2022: The leading textiles trade fair is back

The garment and textile processing industry is looking forward with great
anticipation to Texprocess, the leading trade fair for the sector, which will finally open its doors again in Frankfurt from 21 to 24 June 2022. “After three years have passed since the last Texprocess, the industry has a lot of catching up to do in terms of face-to-face communication,” said Elgar Straub, managing director of VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies at the international press conference for Texprocess in Frankfurt.