The worshipful Company of Launderers is just one of more than one hundred Livery companies, comprising London’s ancient and modern trade associations and Guilds most of which represent their respective craft, trade or profession.
Livery Companies play a significant part in the life of the City of London, not least by providing an enormous flow of charitable-giving together with social and networking opportunities. Liverymen retain voting rights for the senior civic offices, such as the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs and the Corporation, its ancient municipal authority with extensive local government powers.
The ancient origins of Livery Companies were to care for their members in sickness and old age and this ethos has been carried into modern times by their immensely rewarding charitable aims of wide support in many areas for those in need, be they disabled children or technical education or indeed, the London Air Ambulance.
All of this packaged in social activities, both fun and low-key or with all the pomp and grandeur that only Livery Companies can showcase, sharing the magnificent, colourful pageantry and ancient customs of the City of London.
The first step to membership is to apply to become a Freeman of the Company. Once a Freeman of the Company you are automatically granted the opportunity to apply for the Freedom of the City which may become the first of many wonderful City traditional ceremonies in which you participate.You may then wish to proceed to full membership of the Company, ie., become a Liveryman and enjoy all the privileges of belonging to a City of London Livery Company bridging the ancient traditions and the modern needs.
- If you are interested in finding out more, then please contact the Clerk at and/or check out the website
Many Companies became Livery Companies by being granted Royal Charters and their titles start “The Worshipful Company of …..”. Also, often mentioned is the phrase the “art and mystery” of a Livery Company which is the medieval term for work. The term “Livery” comes from feudal times when an allowance for clothing was given by barons, monasteries, colleges or guilds to their own retainers. The Guilds were allowed to wear liveries as a form of identification at a time when others were not, which is how they came to be known as Livery Companies.
The Worshipful Company of Launderers wishes to invite applicants to apply for places on the 2021 Travelling Scholarships. These will coincide with the Texcare International which takes place in Frankfurt in late November/early December this year.
Education has always been an integral part of the Livery movement and this is reflected within the Worshipful Company of Launderers. A Committee dedicated to Education has historically and continually supported industry training courses through the consideration of course completion grants to delegates. In addition to this, the Launderers’ well established Travelling Scholarship scheme, affords up and coming members of our industry to visit industry locations within Europe to develop their industry knowledge and skills base.
In addition to this, the Launderers’ well-established Travelling Scholarship scheme affords up-and-coming members of the industry the opportunity to visit industry locations within Europe to develop their industry knowledge and skills base.
Applicants should work within the Laundry and Cleaning industry and be supported by their employer.
Please apply in the first instance to John Shonfeld , chair of education at
In 1993, during a function with the Barber Surgeons, the then Master learned that the army field hospitals were supported by a territorial army laundry squadron whose primary role was to provide the hospitals with clinically clean, theatre clothing and linen in addition to providing general laundry and shower facilities.
Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, Colonel-in-Chief The Royal Logistic Corps graciously gave her approval to an association with the Worshipful Company of Launderers which was formalised on 16 March 1998 with the details of the association recorded on an illuminated parchment signed by officers from the company and the RLC. The Launderers make an annual award of the company silver medal to the laundry squadron soldier of the year.
The aims of the association are:
- To promote and enhance the standing and interests of the Worshipful Company of Launderers and The Royal Logistic Corps by all appropriate means;
- To provide such mutual assistance and support for the Company and The Royal Logistic Corps as may be desirable and practicable.