The way in which a drycleaning plant’s boiler raises steam affects both the finished work and the plant’s costs and reliability.

Controlled Flame Boilers developed its CFB4VT series with the aim of cutting fuel and maintenance costs while allowing the cleaner to produce a good finish on clothes.

These boilers produce steam with a good dryness fraction and avoid the problems linked with excessive amounts of water being carried over in the steam, so producing a drier, crisper finish on textiles.

Dry steam also avoids deterioration of the plant’s pipe work and of the steam batteries which convert steam to heat. So frequent descaling is not needed and boilers last longer. Wear and tear on drycleaning equipment is also reduced, so costs are lower.

As the generated heat is passed over the water heating surfaces four times, via specially engineered ports and fins, the 4VT can make the best use of combustion gases and can reach full output in 15minutes. So businesses do not have to pay staff for an extra hour or more, just to get the boiler ready for work. Quick start-up also cuts down on fuel and water use.

Failure to maintain boiler pressure throughout the day is a common problem for drycleaners. Work has to stop while steam regenerates.

Controlled Flame Boilers designed a steam chamber that is approximately 30% larger than most other vertical boilers, so it responds effectively to peaks and troughs in demand.

This capacity virtually eliminates the possibility of priming and avoids excessive amounts of moisture being carried over in the steam creating drier steam.

Drycleaners often need to save space, and the 4VT series includes the Slim Jim which can fit through a standard doorway and fit into corners, making for easier installation if the boiler is to be fitted into a basement or at the back of the shop.

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