Surfing the net during working hours, as one does, a cheery site in the USA was found. It claimed drycleaning was a most profitable business ‘because it services a basic need for clean clothes. The volume of ‘Dryclean Only’ garments is on the increase and there is a growing population that has a wealth of disposable income.
As a cash business, real profits mount quickly with no need for reinvestment.’ The punch line came quite quickly.
‘Whether you are a displaced executive, first time business owner or investor seeking to expand your base of profitable businesses, we have a package for you.’ Yep, someone selling a drycleaning franchise with a sales pitch that goes “just buy a machine and watch the money roll in.” Give them some credit, they did not claim that all drycleaners had only happy, grateful customers nor did they say that as the owner you will have every weekend off, or that there were no legislation or environmental problems and that cut-price competition was now a thing of the past.
No, not even in America, the land of unfettered optimism, ruthless commercialism and splendid exaggeration, would they go that far.