Keeping the work moving efficiently along the laundry line is essential to high productivity.
Asked for the benefits of an automated system for handling and storing garments or flatwork, the manufacturers quote features such as freeing up bottlenecks and producing a smooth work flow. Conveyor systems are far from standard products. Each laundry has a different layout, and particular problems that they need to solve to produce a smooth flow along the line.
The companies listed here stress their ability not just to supply conveyors, but to design a complete system to meet individual needs. ” When a customer says jump, we say how high?”, says Malcolm Goldie of Ducker Supertrack.
Wilfred Ossulas, managing director of MIT (Materials in Handling) comments: “Customers require innovative handling solutions and expect us to be responsive to their demands as well as being in tune with the technological developments.”
Another often mentioned aspect of handling systems is the need for “intelligent control”. Whether the system is simple loop or a more intricate arrangement, delivering the goods to the right place at the right time is vital and the system will often need to be able to deal with different routes at the same time.
Companies stress their ability to design “intelligent systems” that maximise flexibility within the plant allowing it to adapt to changing work patterns. A well-designed system will improve the management of the plant.
Conveyor and handling systems, of course, do more than deliver goods from one place to another. Overhead systems in particular are often used for storage, using otherwise lost space.
As MD Laundry Machines points out space is expensive; maximising the space within a plant increases efficiency
Drycleaning role
While the move to automation is well established in the laundry industry, the trend is also spreading to the drycleaning sector, although at a slower rate.
After all, drycleaners too aim for high productivity in order to increase profitability. Some machine suppliers are taking a pro-active approach, keen to dispel the idea that conveyors are a luxury.
Parrisianne, business development manager Iain Weir says: “A conveyor can be installed in a shop as a cost-effective labour-saving device. The conveyor improves and quickens the service to each collecting customer.”
Renzacci has been involved in the design and installation of conveyors for over 20 years and the company’s managing director Jason Alexander points out that customers can benefit from a conveyor that saves space. He also points to another aspect: security. Staff can serve a client without leaving the counter area, which exposes the cash register.
And Klentec, distributor for Sankosha’s conveyor, believes demand for the system will rise as wages and rents increase. “Any machine that saves money has got to be taken seriously.”
Broadbent Laundry Systems |
Products and services: Broadbent provides tailor-made materials handling solutions. Projects can range from small take-off conveyor systems to large turnkey laundry units and include design, supply, installation and aftersales. Automated sorting and classifying: Systems provide accurate counting or weighing or soiled items assisting in scheduling, tracking and recording itemised information on goods received and returned, giving the customer accurate records to help reduce costs. Distribution: Flat belt conveyors or monorail handling systems are used to transport laundry classifications from drying to the various finishing areas. Press cakes can be stored, and conditioned work sent direct to the finishing point. Work can be tracked as it progresses through the plant. Packing and wrapping: Automated conveyors and wrapping systems save time and labour and bring greater control to packing and dispatch. Take-off, transfer and packing conveyors are offered. Garment handling: Automated rail systems direct the garment to its destination and sort garments in customer order. Systems for storage on customers’ premises and auto collection can also be provided. Broadbent Laundry Systems Contact: Tel: +44 (0) 1484 477200 Fax: +44 (0) 1484 516142 Email: Website: |
Innova Systems |
Products and Services: Innova specialises in conveying systems for all types of laundry work and aims to work with customers to arrive at the best solution. Innova will design the complete system, installing and integrating the components. The Automotion monorail system has a wide range of modules from a simple loop to large complex automated systems feeding multiple discharge point. The Gematex vacuum handling system is a flexible and adaptable and can transport soiled or clean linen long distances and in situations where other products might not be suitable. |
Klentec |
Products and servises: Klentec is the UK distributor for the Japanese company Sankosha and offers a full installation and design service. The Sankosha conveyor system is one of the most compact on the market and can be fitted into virtually any size drycleaning or laundry unit. Special features and benefits: The demand for conveyor systems is increasing, but drycleaners especially still too often see it as a luxury. However, since the Sankosha system is fully automated and can be linked to both the bagging machine and to payment systems, it saves both time and labour costs as well as increasing production. As an example, when linked to Sankosha’s fully automatic bagging machine, it minimises labour by combining handling and bagging in one operation to save time and money. As wages and rents rise, any machine that saves money has got to be taken seriously and drycleaners’ customers will benefit from increased efficiency. Klentec Contact: Tel: +44 (0) 1452 550030 Fax: +44 (0) 1452 550031 Email: Website: |
Ducker |
Supertrack products and services: The Supertrack overhead monorail storage is specifically designed for the laundry industry. Each system is designed individually but uses standardised assemblies and components where possible. Tests are carried out on sub-assemblies prior to despatch.Trained engineers install and commission the systems on site. In-house controls engineers prepare bespoke software, and provide a 24-hour/365-day teleservice. Service contracts are available. Supertrack also provides sorting systems for soiled and clean areas. Special features: Stainless steel track, strong and hardwearing, carries a lifetime guarantee. For safety, vertical elevators have two chains so that if one breaks, the other will support the bag. Trolley wheel axles are riveted to the body to prevent them becoming loose. Garment handling products: Ducker offers a range of garment handling conveyors and designs individual solutions to meet varying needs. The spiral conveyor transports up to 2000 garments per hour and can change direction, horizontally or vertically, from one power source. Transport and storage can be provided on one conveyor. The Multi-plan stainless-steel chain conveyor, suited to tunnel finishing areas, can handle rates from 200 to 3000 garments per hour. The chain is also used in high-speed sorting conveyors with individual sorting at over 2000 garments per hour using the triple-sort Digisort Sigma system. Special features: Controls packages gives flexibility and also protect, preventing overloading and damage with simple alarms and controlled shutdown if needed. Torque limiting devices, automatic tensioning control and automatic lubrication, all help to protect mechanical parts. Ducker |
Jensen UK |
Products: The Futurail System has been completely updated. The trolleys have four precision ball bearings that are enclosed in a moulded trolley body to keep them free from lint and dust, so no cleaning or lubricating is needed and this also reduces lint build up on the rail. Plastic wheels ensure silent running. Vertical conveyors have a modular design that can be powered electrically or pneumatically. The guide system is based on two aluminium side frames fitted with precision linear “V” roller guides, eliminating unwanted carriage movement and avoiding bags sticking. Futurail sorting solutions now cater for all applications and include: the weighing V/C, low capacity, for bulk loading; low capacity mobile stations, with or without weighing; medium capacity Jen-Sort 500 for up to 10 classifications; Jen-Sort 750-A, medium-to-high capacity with carousel sorting belt configuration and whicht can also be supplied with continuous sort capability; Jen-Sort, 750-B, medium-to-high capacity with single sorting belt configuration; Jen-Sort 1000, high capacity with continuous sorting capability. Counting frames can be fitted to all except the Weighing VC. Software: This give a full overview from sorting to storage via one PC. Production package dynamically controls call-off from classified storage, through to clean storage. Management data feeds in from all areas Jensen UK Contact: Tel: +44 (0)1295 226223 Fax: +44 (0)1295 226233 Email: Website: |
MD Laundry Machines |
Products and services: MD Laundry Machines, a specialist in high performance drying and finishing equipment, has developed the Kent power conveyor systems – “intelligent” garment conveying systems designed to interface with tunnel finishers and allow high-speed processing of large quantities of garments, using the minimum number of operators. The systems use “state-of-the-art” computerised control systems. Special features and benefits: The Kent Autoload, loads washed garments onto feed conveyors. The Autoload presents the operators with blank hangers ready to accept a garment. The garment on its hanger is automatically conveyed into the garment transit system. On leaving the tunnel finisher, garments are monitored and can be delivered to different rails in a logical order. Barcodes or RF chips can be used to identify garments, allowing conveyor controls to send items to the right destination. Kent power conveyors are based on extruded sections that house the conveyor chain with attachments to convey hangers. Garments can be buffer stored, or with different attachments, sent to specific locations. For compactness, the Kent power rail has both feed and return conveyor chain housed within the extruded conveyor section. Pneumatically operated switch gates allow garments to be discharged left, right or straight on, however loaded and whatever the hanger hook position. Kent power track can be used for garment storage and distribution and can be interfaced with other systems to reduce manual handling and maximise the use of factory space. MD Laundry Machines Contact: Tel: +44 (0) 1539 729090 Fax: +44 (0) 1539 728298 Email: Website: |
HJ Weir Engineering Co |
Products and Services: HJ Weir offers a competitive range of “intelligent” conveyors which can interface with most flatwork separating, feeding and folding installations. Special features and benefits: Most Weir conveyors incorporate motorised drum rollers offering clean, smooth lines. Modular construction enables simple or complex conveyor systems to be engineered quickly without the long lead time. Two recent examples show how individual requirements can be met. First, a set of the small DC drum drive conveyors measuring only 500mm by 600mm, was made for a customer in Essex. These conveyors provided the interface between three Weir towel folders and a centralised despatch conveyor system. Second, in contrast, a fully intelligent conveyor system, manufactured for Canadian Pacific Hotels, included a 15m drum conveyor and four microprocessor inverter drum driven uplift conveyors. It was integrated with four dual-direction, autograding foldmaker 43 Airspeed towel folders. HJ Weir Engineering Co Contact: Tel: +44 (0)1291 622036 Fax: +44 (0)1291 627350 Email: Website: |
MIT Handling Systems |
Products and services: The company offers general materials handling equipment including, belt and gravity conveyors, linen bag loading and transportation systems, lift and shuttle conveyors and goods lifts, multi-tiered cake storage and retrieval conveyor systems (vertical and horizontal), and overhead storage systems. Services include project management, design layouts and consultantion, software control systems and support. The company caters for a wide range of customers in workwear rental, healthcare, private and commercial laundries. Special features and benefits: Systems usually involve automated integrated handling systems. A typical example could include an autowrap system in a packing and despatch section of a commercial laundry. This might entail a series of integrated belt conveyors receiving work from different departments – flatwork ironing, towel folding and finishing – and directing it to a central autowrap machine then transferring it to live storage racking and shelving. The company can also design handling systems to be used in the sorting areas, and can supply systems for use in sorting both soiled or clean linen, ensuring compliance with clean room standards, where required. Controls: The design of PLC controls software is an important part of a handling system, providing the “intelligence” for regulating the speed of the conveyors. MIT Handling Systems Contact: Tel +44 (0) 1295 709151 Fax: +44 (0) 1295 709149 Email: |
Parrisianne |
Products and services: Parrisianne supplies Metalprogetti conveyor systems for drycleaning unit shop and other applications. It offers two types of conveyor system: one has individually numbered slots (pictured), and the other has sliding adjustable dividers, allowing different numbers of garments to be fitted in individual sections. More drycleaners are recognising the merits of a conveyor. Recent examples of Parrisianne’s installations range from simple, horizontal loop designs to installations incorporating a gradient to feed garments to and from either a high storage area on the same floor as the load point or to a holding area on an upper floor. Special features and benefits: The Metalprogetti conveyor systems supplied by Parrisianne can be operated from the reception counter, or from the production area. Newly cleaned clothes can be placed on the conveyor by production staff, avoiding congestion at the front of the shop In certain locations, a 24-hour collection facility can be introduced with a conveyor system – that uses barcode technology – feeding clothes into a booth controlled by magnetic cards. Iain Weir, business development manager, says that while conveyors may still be seen as expensive, they can be a cost- effective labour saving device and also enhance the customers’ image of the business by improving efficiency. Parrisianne Contact: Tel: +44 (0) 1737 830007 Fax: +44 (0) 1737 830199 Email: Website: |
Renzacci UK |
Products and services: Renzacci has over 20 years in garment handling and is the sole distributor for the ACS range. Conveyor systems can be designed for almost all locations – with a minimum width of 1.34m (including garment overhang) the only requirement. Conveyors can be built in practically any form and length. Special features and benefits: The most popular shapes are straight line, “S” or “U” shapes. Conveyors can be on more than one level and double level can use “lost” space above garment rails. Vertical lifting systems can deliver work from one floor to another. Garment conveyors can create extra space, for example, a single level, straight line conveyor just over 5m long, can store up to 400 garments. Controls: Three options: a wall- or floor-mounted forward or reverse switch, computerised searching – entering a location number (usually the last three digits of the ticket number), brings the garment automatically; or linked to an EPOS system. Delivery and installation: Around 15 working days from the date of order. installation time, three to four hours. |