The Future of Energy seminar presented by the Worshipful Company of Launderers at the tail end of February in London saw expert speakers discuss the future provision of energy concentrating on alternative sources to fossil fuels that can save energy, and even generate additional income for businesses. 

Of particular interest to laundry operators, according to the seminar organiser for WCL, Ken Cupitt, were the slots on heat pumps by Robert Unsworth from GEA and Solar Panel Photovoltaics by Andrew Moore from UKSOL. Meanwhile, Edward Ross, pictured, of Grid Imp who calculates businesses spending £50K per year on energy could save them money with his systems.

Ken Cupitt elaborated: “Robert Unsworth’s paper on Heat Pumps could be beneficial to laundries.Prior to this presentation I was a bit sceptical about the claims for this sort of technology but he had examples from the food sector and breweries of being able to generate very high temperatures and even steam, which would make boilers in a laundry unnecessary.

Another session, according to Cupitt, on solar panel photovoltaics by Andrew Moore from UKSOL, could point the way forward for big laundries with large roof spaces for the installation which could use this to enjoy lower electricity prices. 

“The presentation on nuclear power from Professor Philip Thomas was good and very informative but was more about the future of electricity from the grid and how cheap it could be if we used more nuclear power stations. Also, he brought up the use of nuclear fusion being installed at West Burton Power Station in Nottinghamshire (an old coal fired power station).  This is very new technology and promises power, but which can be turned off more easily than nuclear fission. He said that private capital was being invested in this.

“The afternoon saw Ashutosh Shastri present two sessions. The first was on hydrogen as a fuel and covered the introduction of this gas into the natural gas supply grid but the UK’s problem is that we currently do not have an infrastructure to supply this at present although we are, as a country committed to it.

“His second paper was on hydrogen as a motive power for transport which was informative but again came up against the lack of infrastructure in the UK, said Cupitt.

The sessions can be accessed via the links below.




Nuclear Power, Professor Philip Thomas


44 minutes

Storing and Cutting the Cost of Energy, Edward Ross, Grid Imp


34 minutes

Solar PV Panels, Andrew Moore, UKSOL


34 minutes

Heat Pumps and the Part they Play, Robert Unsworth, GEA


47 minutes

Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel, Ash Shastri


39 minutes

Hydrogen as a Vehicle Motive Power, Ash Shastri


52 minutes