'The Future of Energy Seminar' to be presented by the Worshipful Company of Launderers will be held on Monday 20 February at Glaziers Hall, 9 Montague Close, London SE1 9DD (Launderers Hall). WCL will be fielding six speakers on the provision of energy for the country, business owners and decision makers concentrating on alternative sources to fossil fuels that can save energy, and even generate additional income for businesses.
Hopefully, the Information shared by the speakers will help business leaders to make the right decisions over the next decade as they learn what the Government and the supply industry are doing to put in place economic green energy for the future.
Topics will include:
1.Nuclear energy. Both fusion and fission will be covered and we will learn what Rolls Royce is developing with mini reactors for regional generation
2.Making money from sources of energy. We will find out about ways of cutting the costs of energy in a business; how to store energy in times of plenty for use in times of shortages; and, achieving cost cutting by enabling business to trade energy
3.Rooftop solar panels and PV. Here we will explore the advantages of using solar energy; reduced electric bills, return on investment; renewable energy; environmentally friendly choices; and, energy independence
4. Hydrogen to supplement natural gas. Now that trials of the addition of hydrogen to gas have been completed what will it do to benefit us all?
5. Hydrogen as a fuel for delivery vehicles. There is unlikely to be enough lithium to power storage batteries in the short term, but larger vehicles are also likely to be powered by hydrogen to be able to carry the bulky items
6. Heat pump technology. The conclusion thus far is that for heat pumps ammonia is thermodynamically the best refrigerant in the field of operation for comfort cooling and are also safer than fluorocarbon
Please find the booking form here
The £60 charge is the subsidised amount underwritten by the Education Trust Fund of the Livery.