It is good news from the Jensen-Group, which has reported a revenue of €260 million for 2021, an increase of 6% compared with 2020 as well as an order intake of €345 million. These achievements result from the strong market position of the Jensen-Group and its products, says the company.

                                 NEW BUILD: The new Jensen factory in Borås, Sweden, is shown above

Given that the overall level of activity and the difficulties the world faced in 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Group is very satisfied with the 2021 results. The Covid-19 limitations imposed on tourism and travel particularly affect the Group’s level of activities in the hospitality business as many customers continue to reduce or close down parts of their operations. Most of the nascent recovery in the healthcare and industrial laundry industries was made in Europe and North America.

“High order-intake and a doubling of net profit in 2021. This success in the new normal reaffirms our strategy of having local representation in all major markets and maintaining all in-person points of sale and service with our worldwide customer base,” confirmed Jesper Munch Jensen, CEO of the Jensen-Group.

Investments for the future

The co-operation with Inwatec that started in 2018 has developed very positively, resulting in a number of impressive reference installations around the globe. The company foresees a growing demand for our THOR automated soil sort solutions using robotics and AI. In March 2021, the Jensen-Group increased its shareholding in Inwatec ApS from 30% to 70%. Further investments were made by Jensen China that acquired the land rights and the buildings in Xuzhou, where our 20’000 m2 factories are located.

“Also in 2021, we completed a year-long expansion of our Swedish plant, doubling its capacity in material handling products and services. The expansion enables Jensen Sweden to meet the booming demands for hygiene, labor solutions, and uniform garment processing in the healthcare and garment processing laundry industry.


“We will continue to focus on customer centricity and sustainable innovation through new product development in our factories and through our cooperation with and participation in Inwatec. We start 2022 with a substantial order backlog. In 2021, the Jensen-Group received €345 million of orders, a 54% increase over last year’s order intake and the second highest order intake in history. We are positive about the future, although we remain prudent: Scarcity in the availability of electronic components, supply chain issues, and important price increases may impact our business also in the foreseeable future.

“We thank our customers for their continued trust and loyalty, and look forward to serving them also in the future. We strive to meet their expectations in terms of productivity and innovation, cost, reliability and service, and reduced environmental impact by means of our sustainable products and solutions,” concluded Jesper Jensen.