There is no doubt that using the latest electronic point of sale (EPoS) technology during the Covid months enabled drycleaners and launderers helped through that very difficult time. Minimising costs and communicating with customers was essential in order to compensate for furlough and staff layoffs and many business owners applied and invested in some degree of automation and relied heavily on their DryStream EPoS systems, explains DryStream’s Jon Beach.
“Since the pandemic started we saw an upward move towards EPoS usage, automation of various tasks including invoice production, credit control and, marketing. With turnover inevitably cut for most, drycleaners and laundries also took a very critical view of monthly outgoings. Understandably they found it hard to justify never ending monthly fees for EPoS systems they’ve already purchased and so made a switch to DryStream which, incurs no monthly charges at all.
“Staying connected to customers has been vital and owners have seen the importance for great customer relationship management (CRM). So owners have utilised DryStream’s extensive and innovative CRM features to remain in touch with customers and enhance the customer relationship. This helped develop new business during lockdown and will have an accumulating effect as we move out of it into 2022.”
Beach says that DryStream owners will continue to enjoy no monthly charges to use their EPoS systems, or for telephone support, continuing during 2022. “DryStream owners have long been able to process collections and deliveries with their DryStream ‘Premier’ and ‘Premier Plus’ EPoS systems but now things get even better. In 2020, 87% of UK adults owned a smartphone and it is no surprise also that 46% say they use their smartphones more now than before the pandemic.So DryStream is launching a new app to help DryStream EPoS owners latch on to this shift in trend.
“Of the drycleaners surveyed, their preference is to have a unique place and identity in the market rather than be on a site that lists competing drycleaners/ laundries together. So an app that’s personalised to each business and that can be downloaded either from the drycleaner’s website or app stores is the way to go.”
DryStream’s new app will be available to all DryStream TOUCH Premier and Premier Plus EPoS systems owners to offer to their customers. Each app will be individually customised with the business name, brand logo, colour schemes and graphics and prices and lodged at the app stores for download. The app will automatically update the host DryStream EPoS terminal with each customer’s order and update the relevant route schedules at the appropriate time. It’s that simple.
“As we leave lockdowns and the world economies return to normal, the case for a DryStream EPoS system has never been stronger. Building upon the work done over the last few years, compounding the positive effect of the data you collect and reducing running costs to zero, DryStream remains the deliciously enticing and long-term favourite EPoS solution for drycleaners and laundries. There are three DryStream EPoS systems options according to functionality and budget, while each system is available to buy outright or lease.
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