The family of Kevin Minissian, the late CEO of Norchem Corp, along with staff from the laundry chemical company he founded, recently announced the establishment of a memorial fund in Minissian’s name, according to a report from TRSA, the North Amercian rextile services association.

The Kevin Minissian Memorial Fund will support students working in water-treatment and recycling technologies – the same work that Minissian dedicated 40-plus years of research to in seeking to enhance the efficiency and environmental performance of commercial laundries across North America.

The memorial fund is designed as a tribute to Minissian’s research with Caltech faculty members on water-treatment issues. Specifically, Minissian worked extensively with Michael R Hoffmann, the John S and Sherry Chen Professor of Environmental Science at Caltech.

“One of Kevin’s passion projects included an active partnership with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, where he was participating on an advanced electrochemical project working closely with the Hoffmann Lab,” reported TRSA. “In honour of his ongoing passion for innovation, Norchem Corporation and the families have established the Kevin Minissian Memorial Fund at CalTech. This tribute of gratitude and respect honors his legacy and will support students and their research within the Hoffmann group in the area of water treatment and recycling technologies.”

According to a statement from the company, while the family and staff at Norchem continue to mourn the loss of their founder and leader, the company remains fully operational and is available to assist customers and prospects. “As we continue to process this news individually and as a community, the Norchem family remains dedicated and present to serving our customers and building on our legacy Norchem brand with pride and commitment.”

Minissian died on 23 November* following an assault by a gunman in Pasadena, California. The alleged assailant also died in the daylight incident. Police are continuing their investigation. Meanwhile, funeral services for Minissian are planned for 9.30 a.m. PST, 23 December, at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Hollywood Hills, California. Those unable to attend in-person may participate online by clicking here (password Minissian).
