It won’t be long before every textile care operation will be bidding farewell to fossil fuels warns Rinnai. So, it is good news that Rinnai is well ahead of the game in provision of hydrogen-ready continuous flow water heaters to achieve this goal successfully and with minimum fuss. The company’s current Sensei N Series range is ‘Hydrogen ready’ now for the proposed initial supply of hydrogen blends fed through the existing gas infrastructure.

Operators looking to embrace hydrogen technology in their hot water supply are a step forward to achieving this as water heating unit and system manufacturer Rinnai has announced that, after an extensive testing and verification process, its current Sensei N Series range is ‘Hydrogen ready’ now.

The Sensei N Series can by powered by a blend of up to 30% hydrogen. Rinnai UK is also in advanced development of units which can handle the complete hydrogen gas supply. The appliance is described as an ‘out-of-the-box’ design engineered and approved to be installed for use on natural gas.

But the same unit is futureproofed – because following a conversion and re-commissioning process in the field it will then operate safely and efficiently solely using a hydrogen supply.

The launch of this next phase Rinnai appliance will align with the grid blend upgrade to ensure natural product lifecycles can be followed.

All Rinnai units are guaranteed to provide limitless volumes of temperature accurate hot water flows, provided fuel and water connection are constant, says the company.

Rinai explains that the Sensei N Series continuous flow hot water heater range offers a more compact, enhanced combustion design that allows for easier installation, superior operational performance as well as ease of serviceability.

The Rinnai Sensei N Series is the first ever continuous flow hot water heating unit manufactured with stainless steel heat exchangers to be available in the UK – this gives a greatly extended working life at optimum performance to each of the four models in the range. Added to this are the market leading extended warranties, that accompany these hydrogen ready appliances.

The four models are: the N1600i giving 954 litres per hour; the N1600e (external) also giving 954 litres per hour (at 50 degrees); the N1300i giving 775 litres per hour and the N1300e also giving 775 litres per hours of temperature controlled at 50 degrees. The two 1600s have load profiles of XXL and are water efficiency class A rated, while the 1300s are load profile XL and are also water efficiency class A rated.