CINET’s YEP (Young Executive Professionals) Exchange Program will continue in 2021 with new sessions. These are scheduled to take place in Italy, France, UK, The Netherlands and Spain, and the Middle East, in a physical form when possible, but anyhow online by streaming. YEP’s main goal is to exchange know-how and practical experience among young promising entrepreneurs aiming to develop new business cases in one of the defined new market areas.
The scheme is open to young entrepreneurs in Retail Textile Cleaning and/or Industrial Textile Services
Start: April 2021
Sessions (hybrid – physical and live streaming). The dates will be communicated shortly:
Cinet is prospecting the options of organising sessions in other countries than those mentioned above, depending on the travel restrictions, and an update will be issued shortly,
Structure per session
Duration 8-10 hours (over two days)
Three segments of 3 hours each
Pitch your initiative
PTC reputed experts sessions
Guidance, practical cases, assignments and coaching from PTC experts
Language: English
Early bird offer: 15% discount
For registrations before April 15th, a 15% discount will apply. Please indicate the sessions you would like to attend and send to