Like many companies up and down the land, Ideal Manufacturing is looking to the future and what the Government refers to as the ‘new normal’. “However,” said Ideal managing director Phillip Kalli, “more important than any order book, new product launch or bottom line figure, all our best thoughts right now go out to everyone impacted by the virus, directly or indirectly – and especially all the incredible front-line workers tackling the virus head-on, right now.”

Kalli went on to say: “We’re lucky to have an amazing team at Ideal, who have been ready and willing to help out. Together we are all carefully trying to work out what orders we can get moving – and how flexible we can be. That’s one thing we really pride ourselves on. We re-introduced a skeleton production team on 22 April. However, this does not mark a full return to business as usual. Anyone deemed higher-risk or with heightened-concerns (or any anxiety at all) will continue to be shielded. Most important of all, we are doing everything we can to ensure the safest working environments possible for all our team. To do that we have introduced the following five controls immediately, based on World Health Organisation (WHO) and NHS guidelines.” The controls are:

  1. Hand Hygiene – Ideal has installed hand sanitiser pumps throughout the site and issued the team with alcohol hand sanitiser for personal use.
  2. Communication & Education – The latest Government information has been circulated to staff and clear guidance displayed  in all communal areas (see illustration).
  3. PPE – Ideal has provided the best PPE it can source: masks, gloves, face shields, sanitiser, soap and cleaning supplies.
  4. Social Distancing – With < 50% team members at HQ Ideal has installed floor tape to manage work flow and keep a minimum of 2 metre distancing. Canteens are closed.
  5. Temperature Checks & Self Diagnosis – Anyone with mild symptoms is asked to stay home. The company has also sought permission to conduct temperature checks at the factory door.

“For this first phase of our return, we have been focusing on prioritising NHS and key-worker related orders whilst we work through a carefully chosen group of customers that have been disabled due to the temporary suspension of our production. This will be under constant review.

“Additionally, we won’t be able to work to normal turnaround times from the outset, but we can start to get some much-needed product out to people and we will do our best to communicate to everyone affected. We’ll be keeping everyone posted as we get slowly get back up to speed.”

He concluded his message, saying: “What we’ve come to realise over the last few weeks is that there are a lot of folks out there who really rely on the products and services Ideal provides. We are very proud of that.

“We’ve also felt genuine affection, loyalty, well wishes and good vibes from so many people out there towards Ideal, our brilliant team and what we do – day in, day out. We have taken great solace from that. Thank you so much for your understanding and support and we look forward to catching up with you all soon.”